GWIHR, in a bid to scale up demand for an inclusive harm reduction packages and HIV prevention and treatment service, engaged female sex workers who inject drugs to understand their challenges in accessing these services in Abia State.
Based on the feedback from the female sex workers who inject drugs engaged, it was noted that:
- As of the date of this engagement, harm reduction packages are unavailable in the State; hence female sex workers who inject drugs expressed their displeasure in that regard.
- Societal imbalances and inequalities stemming from the discrimination and stigmatization of sex work and drug use have left them isolated and self-criminalized to turn up for service uptake.
- Regarding HIV prevention options, female sex workers who inject drugs also complained that PrEP service delivery is available but not accessible because of the long distances since PrEP is not available in Primary Healthcare facilities in the State.
- Finally, they complained that the current security challenges in the State worsened the precarious situation because all fingers point at them as companions to hoodlums hence limiting their freedom of engagement and association.